So, you want to make a World Trigger Character? That has to be the most rhetorical question I could possibly ask. You wouldn’t be here reading this if you didn’t want to.

As much randomness as possible has been removed from character creation to give the player, you, the ability to play the character that you want without having to worry about getting the right roll. But in order to keep some balance, a priority system was borrowed from older editions of Shadowrun to make each character unique in their strengths and weaknesses.

For the tl;dr version: Quickstart version.

For the Example.

This is the new version. An example of character creation will be coming shortly.

The first step in creating a character is to have an idea of what you want your character to be like. Keep that idea in mind, and then visit the priority system below to determine starting points for each category. The vision you have of your character will be visited again with the Distinctions category and fleshed out even more.

The Priority System

There are four priorities, from A to D, with A being the highest, and D being the lowest. There are four categories to choose priority for. The table below determines how many points can be spent in parameters, how many trigger skills a character starts with, and how many extra distinctions they get.


Side Effect


Trigger Skills




27 points

1 skilled + 1 novice

3 extra



25 points

2 novice

2 extra



23 points

1 novice

1 extra



21 points


no extra

Side Effect

The cost of choosing to have one is two-fold. First, it requires priority A, meaning the other four categories cannot have a priority of A. Second, at least 7 or your points in Parameters must go on the Trion Parameter alone.

If your character has a side effect, then remember that the Gamemaster has to approve of the side effect. It must be balanced so that it doesn’t overpower the game.


Spend points on the following 5 parameters: Trion, Command, Defense, Skill, and Mobility. To determine the dice assignment for a parameter rating, consult the following table. Trion does not have a dice assignment.

Parameter Rating / Dice assignment
1 / d4
2 / d4
3 / d6
4 / d6
5 / d6
6 / d8
7 / d8
8 / d8
9 / d10
10 / d10
11 / d10
12+ / d12

Range is determined by the trigger.

Attack is determined by dividing the sum of Trion and Skill. At C-rank, Attack is rounded down. At B-rank, if Trion is higher than skill, it rounds up. If skill is higher than Trion, it rounds down. At A-rank and above, Attack is rounded up. Each Trigger skill equipped at master rating or higher also add 1 to Attack.

At character creation, Special Tactics are determined by the number of option trigger types equipped.

Trigger Skills

The starting priority determines how skilled the character is with their triggers. Each trigger skill has a rating, and the rating determines the dice assignment for that trigger.

Rating / Dice Assignment
untrained      / d4
novice            / d6
skilled            / d8
master           / d10
world-class  / d12


Each character starts with a High Concept and a Trouble. The High Concept will be defined in better detail in the section on distinctions, as will the Trouble. Through the Priority system, you determine how many other distinctions the character will start with. Distinctions are what set the character apart from the crowd and make them unique. Distinctions can be used to gain plot points, or to spend them on special effects that have a meaningful impact on the game.

Support Function

Determine how the character functions in a team. The functions are Team, Buddy, and Solo. What the character is best at gets a d10, what the character is worst at gets a d6, the other one gets a d8.

For those that want to include a social aspect to the game, it has been separated with it’s own set of character creation rules and can be added in at any time to add variety to the game.

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